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     Address :  3655 Research Drive, Genesis Center-C 

                             New Mexico State  University 

                             Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001

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Program Overview

Find Out Our Goals and Objectives

• Expand access to affordable and reliable telecommunications infrastructure, including broadband access.
• Expand basic water and sewer infrastructure.
• Support transportation infrastructure and transit services.

• Support access to affordable, high-quality healthcare and services that support mental and physical health.
• Provide support to build capacity for navigating and accessing support services.
• Train, recruit, and retain health professionals in federally designated Health Professional Shortage Areas.

• Promote workforce development programs for that are paired to local, high-demand job opportunities. Expand pathways to occupations that meet Good Jobs Principles, such as paying family-sustaining wages and offering career development opportunities.
• Create, expand, or enhance Registered Apprenticeships.
• Increase enrollment and completion of critical training programs by investing in wrap-around services.
• Projects that implement the SBRC five-year plan.

• Support the expansion of access to business capital to support innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic equity.
• Invest in programs and business opportunities, addressing critical challenges while attracting and retaining talent.

• Invest in air, water, and soil clean-up efforts that impact historically disadvantaged communities.
• Preserve and expand access to natural resources to increase outdoor recreation and tourism opportunities.

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